Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The way it should be!!!

For the past several years, the Northward Leadership team has had the privilege of helping rising-star technology leaders identify, develop and hone their leadership skills. The IAC Voyagers program is, in our opinion, one of the best leadership-development programs we've seen, and here's a terrific article showcasing what we love about it.

Take a look!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Brand YOU!!

I've become a big fan of Dan Schawbel, a 20-something blogger and expert on personal branding. He's just launched his own magazine, Personal Branding, with, guess what? Personal Branding as a theme.

While the content might be considered light by some, I find it enormously insightful and salient to the career-management discussion.

Take a look for yourself:

Dan's Blog